Always use eye protection. You just never know.
By Brownells and sal_gunz
Check them both out for some great content
via @sal_gunz
#brownells #besafe #safety #eyeprotection #rangesafety
Always use eye protection. You just never know.
By Brownells and sal_gunz
Check them both out for some great content
via @sal_gunz
#brownells #besafe #safety #eyeprotection #rangesafety
MBA Healthcare Management had a great article and infographic and we wanted to take the info and place it into a video.
This is part 1
#wounded, #combat, #combatwounded
wow, is an outstanding resource to learn how to tie knots. If you want to learn how to tie knots, this IS the place
#knots, #survivalknots #knottying #knottyingskills
Brought to you by – a great guide for bug out bags
21 Must have Items for your medical kit by infographic design team
3 Rules for Survival – Infographic
London Terrorist Attack Map